Types of gynaecomastia :


Surgery for Gynaecomastia:

Surgical intervention is indicated in patients most commonly, for patients who request treatment for physical modification. Most men who visit a plastic surgeon request treatment for improvement of the obvious physical deformity which enhances psychological and physical wellbeing. They seek treatment because they find that the condition, which is readily apparent in everyday life, adversely impacts day-to-day activities under various circumstances. Overly large breasts can cause health and emotional problems. In addition to self image issues, you may also experience physical pain and discomfort.

Surgery for Gynaecomastia is a good option if you

What is the surgical procedure followed for gynaecomastia?

Many surgeons prefer subcutaneous mastectomy for the treatment of true gynaecomastia Of the various incisions and techniques described for the treatment of gynaecomastia, the periareolar incision is the most commonly used technique because the final scars are almost inconspicuous. Suction assisted lipectomy to gynaecomastia is easy and does not impair areolar vascularity or sensation, and the postoperative scars are excellent. It permits more rapid, efficient and controlled tissue removal, facilitating consistently good results without some of the drawbacks of open surgical excision particularly contour irregularities. But not all cases will be suitable for liposuction due to excess skin